Care of the City: Ruination, Abandonment, and Hospitality in Contemporary Practice will look at how post-studio art and visuality use the city to rethink issues of practice, emergency, and abandonment in light of an ethics of care and the conditions of in-hospitability. This book will discuss the conditions and the possibility of the city-in-transition—using Detroit as one of many case studies—where voids and lost futures have created new forms of latency in a crisis of representation that will enable new kinds of emergent plural narratives.

Michael Stone-Richards was born in the West Indies and was adopted and educated in Europe, where he studied philosophy, poetry, and art history at Warwick, Cambridge, and at the Courtauld Institute. His interests lie in the avant-garde within an international context. He lives in Detroit and teaches at the College for Creative Studies, where he developed a minor in critical theory. With artist Addie Langford, he co-runs the Alexandrine Street Seminars at his home, where students, thinkers, and artists meet for critical conversation. He is the editor of the journal Detroit Research, which is intended to encourage the development of a critical language and larger international contexts for Detroit art practices. He has also been a fellow at the Centre Canadien for Architecture, Montréal.